Tuesday, June 21, 2016

God Cares and Hears

Have there been times when you feel like God has neglected you, and it seems like He’s just watching you suffer and not doing anything about it? We’ve all been there and in all honesty, it is plain hard. But in those moments, a simple reminder of Gods love and faithfulness goes a long way. The purpose of this blog post is to serve as that reminder for anyone who needs it.

It is very normal to feel uncared for when your prayers are bouncing off the walls and not reaching the heavens. As much as we can’t help but feel neglected, it hurts God for us to think that way of Him. Here are two truths I want you to embed deep within your heart in those moments:

#Truth1 – GOD CARES! [Matthew 10:30-31] says And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows. No one in this world cares to know how many strands of hair are on your head. Nobody has time for that…but God does! He cares about the tiniest details of your life so why will He not care about your very needs ß(keyword)? He sees you. He’s looking over you and knows what you’re going through. If He didn’t see it fit for your growth, you wouldn’t be going through it. You don’t always have to feel Him to know He’s there. Trust in His words when He says “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” [Hebrews 13:5] There was a point in time during my wedding preparation last year when i was getting bombarded with so many tests and i completely broke down before the Lord. I felt so deserted by God and i was like "God do you even see me?". But there in that moment, the amount of peace and calm that consumed me was overwhelming. I had never felt such a strong presence of peace before. That right there was God telling me He sees me and that He cares. That moment was a huge point of growth for me in my walk with Him. I learned to trust Him in His silence. God wants you to trust Him even when He seems silent.

#Truth2 – GOD HEARS! Most Christians are under the impression that only violent prayers yield results. That translates to God only listens to violent prayers; which is so false. If that were true, then it means God doesn’t hear little kids when they pray because I doubt kids be “shandalabo-ing” when they pray to God. Our gentle whispers and silent heart cries reach our fathers ears. Surley the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor His ear too dull to hear. [Isaiah 59:1] In the midst of your chaotic and noisy situation, He hears your whispers. He knows what you need before you even say a word! So rest assured that your groans and moans reach Him.

So you see, no matter what it is or how it feels like, DO NOT allow the enemy to feed you with lies that our God is not hearing you or He doesn’t care; HE CERTAINLY DOES! And as you keep believing in these truths and shutting the devil out, you will find peace in the storm. God is always looking to increase our faith in Him so take advantage of the opportunities He gives and pass the test!

Stay blessed and encouraged. YOU ARE A WINNER!

Jennifer Annor