Saturday, January 3, 2015

I Will Trust

First and foremost, I hope everyone had a great Christmas and is excited for the New Year. Todays post is inspired by Fred Hammonds new song I Will Trust. Now let me insert here how much this song GOES IN!!! Vocally, lyrically, musically, everything is on point – well, at least I think so. With that being said, let me tell y’all a funny story.

About 2 years ago, I vividly remember laying on my bed reading a book (sorry I forgot the title and author :/. I was basically cajoled into reading that book so yea lol) and one chapter of the book was talking about how every Christian will go through a period in their life which she (the author) calls the “desert period” where everything in your life seems very dry and difficult to survive in. When all the promises of God seem to be in the opposite direction of where your life looks like its heading. As she kept on speaking about how difficult that season was for her and how it was hard to trust God and keep her faith alive and how it would be basically tough for every Christian, I foolishly told myself “I don’t think I will doubt God during my desert season. If He has promised me something, He will do it; like come on, its not hard to do it. I will be totally fine”. Fast-forward two years, and I’m over hear failing miserably in my desert period! Haha! I honestly laugh so hard when I remember those childish words I said to my self while reading that book. I realized that when I said those words to myself, I thought the desert period would last a couple days maximum a couple weeks, so excuse my naïve thinking and cut me some slack lol. I didn’t know any better.

Late summer of 2013 when I moved from Alexandria to Herndon was when my desert period started. I will admit, I was a complete disaster. I can literally count all the times I totally failed in trusting God and panicked every single time something would come up. But all the while, God remained faithful and came through for me. It wasn’t until October/November of this past year that I actually made progress and learned what it really meant and felt to completely trust God. Yup! It took me over a year to make progress and I still have a mighty long way to go. See God had to grab my attention and strip certain things from me and allow certain situations to come my way to teach me and show me to trust in Him and not anything or anyone else.

In the afore mentioned song, the chorus says “I will trust in the name of The Lord. Lord I will trust in You for I know You will see me through”. I encourage you all to give the song a listen and pay attention to the words and it might just end up being your prayer song for the next couple of weeks. This song and its words really keep me going through this season in my life. Some of you may know that I just lost my dad on November 24th 2014 and it has not been easy. Right now what is toughest is not his loss because God has given me closure on that, but rather, the hearts of family and friends that are being revealed. It’s shocking! I’ve come to realize there is another synonym for enemy – family. Its really sad how pitiful humans are and I thank God always for having mercy on us and being patient with our human nature. When people you thought would be there with you and for you act completely opposite, you have no option but to trust in God even though He’s supposed to be our first and only option anyways.

Trusting in the name of The Lord for me means trusting in the nature of God. When Moses was interacting with the burning bush, He asked God “If I go to the Israelites and say to them, ‘The God of your fathers has sent me to you’ and they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?” God said to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.’” [Exodus 3:13-14]  Meaning God is His name! What is God’s name? Lord, Yaweh, Jehovah, El Shaddai, and so on! So if you trust in the name of The Lord, you trust in His very being because He is who His name says He is.

As we are in a New Year, I encourage us all to trust in the name of the Lord. He is super faithful and does not let down. I’m so thankful that God is nothing like us humans because that would be a disaster. Never put your trust in humans. They will let you down BIG TIME! Seriously, they will. God is who has called you. “Faithful is the one who has called you and He will do it” [1 Thessalonians 5:24]
Have a fruitful 2015.

Here's a link to the youtube video of the song:

Jennifer Darlington

* I own an accessories shop online. Visit and shop.
* IG: @jdarlingcreations

* My personal IG & Twitter: @jay_lington

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