Todays blog post is
inspired by Mali Musics song “Fight For You”. Mali is such a genius and his
music just breathes life and wisdom. I encourage you all to listen to this very
song and pay close attention to the lyrics. The first few lines grab me
whenever I listen to the song. It says “i
know they see you and they want you, I know they see you and they want to make
you who they want you to be”. Ain’t it crazy how certain people in your
life plan and map out YOUR life for you and expect you to follow that plan and
if you don’t seem to want that for yourself then you become a horrible and
rebellious person? There is no doubt that certain people in your life want the
best for you and want to see you succeed in life. That is totally understandable.
However, if you get so caught up in your plans for my life that you forget that
Gods plan is the ultimate plan, then there’s a problem. ““For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord”. [Isaiah 55:8] Gods ways are not our
ways so while we would like for Person A to become a doctor, God actually wants
Person A to become a child care worker. God made Person A and knows what He
placed in him/her so why do people get so caught up in their plans?
Mali goes on to say “Situations will approach you
and opportunities to faith shade and
downgrade will provoke you. And those
you trust will start to turn too so never pay too much attention to the
things they say they won’t do”. Don’t be shocked when people you thought
were your buddies begin to act funny and slowly exit themselves from your life.
Its good for you because the last thing you need is fake friends who will not
help you stay obedient to God. Don’t be surprised when its your bible study
buddy, or your work buddy or even blood related. God deletes the weeds that
will choke your growth and places the right people in your life to see His
vision with you and help you towards the finish line. Someones life depends on
your obedience so don’t deprive them of it. Some times it helps to realize that
when God was leading you to do something, He told it to YOU. Not you and them.
Not you and cousin Frank or grandma Sally. He told it to YOU! So He requires
the obedience from you not them. And He requires you to listen to Him not them
either because He created you…for His purpose.
See who God has made you
to be is not for the taking, not for the
changing, not for remixing or remaking. Who God has made you is not up for
debating. We can’t possibly have a better plan than God. Sometimes the people
who have your best interest at heart end up looking like the enemies in your
life because in their eyes, you’re headed in the wrong direction or in their
eyes, God could never have told you to do what you said He told you. They don’t
even believe you can hear from God. Ayanna Thomas of NoRingNoSheets and
Karolyne Roberts, the author of “The One Revealed”, have such amazing
testimonies of following through with what God instructed them to do despite
the difficult reception they received from people close to them. And its
amazing how God has been so faithful to these people. And even in my own life…I
can’t share too much just yet because the testimony is still cooking but gosh –
God is super faithful!

I pray this blog
encourages someone today because I believe this is a struggle that we all face
or have faced and it’s not easy. People bondage is so real. When you feel bound
and trapped by peoples expectation of you and cannot really do what God is
laying on your heart to do due to fear of rejection from people closest to you
who might not understand. Its ok! They don’t have to understand. Most times,
even you won’t understand. Your obedience to Christ will be so worth it when
you look back at the end of the season.
Stay blessed and
encouraged. God loves you so much.
Here’s a youtube link to
the song:
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