Tuesday, October 7, 2014

What God Originates, He Orchestrates

 When the idea of me having a fashion show as a designer came about, I completely rejected it. My boyfriend made that suggestion and I replied quiet rudely “No. I don’t think I’m ready”. And by that answer I meant, I don’t have money to buy all I need, where will it be held at, its too much to do and I’m already taking 17 credits in school as a biochemistry major. I simply cannot do it. A couple weeks later, I found myself sitting in Human Anatomy lecture 9 am in the morning and all I could think about was having a fashion show and imagining how I see everything happening. It wasn’t until then that I realized it was an idea coming from God because I literally could not stop thinking about it. The confirmation and encouragement to go ahead with the idea came one Wednesday evening at bible studies when we had a guest speaker talk with us and at the end of the night she prayed and asked who needed prayer. I said I did because debts were high and income was low so I needed prayers. After she prayed for me, she asked “what business idea has God placed on your heart?” Bare in mind this lady knew me from nowhere so she had no idea I had a small business on my own. I told her about it and she encouraged me and said to not focus on my resources; what I have and don’t have. If God has said it, just do it. So I called up some friends in faith and we all began to pray and plan for my fashion show. Long story short, God provided all my resources and more. Through the help of some church members and friends who acted as sponsors, I was able to get everything ready for my show and the event was a huge success.

Now let me explain to you all what I mean by my show was a success because looking at the photos that were taken, one can tell there were a whole bunch of empty seats. I had about 20-30 people show up and my stage curtain was only leaning by faith lol the least push and it would come crumbling down. But my success and pride that I have for my show was in the fact that I learned to OBEY God. Obedience to God is a very important trait to have as a Christian because it shows how much you really trust God. Do you trust Him enough to know that He is God and even though things look nowhere near possible, He will make a way? Bible says to be obedient is better than sacrifice [1 Samuel 15:22]. Second reason is that I DIDN’T COMPROMISE MY IDENTITY AS A CHRISTIAN. Now when we all hear the words fashion show, we automatically categorize it as something of the world so secular music, skimpy clothes, etc., so there was a whole debate and skepticism from people about whether to allow me to hold the event in my church sanctuary or its reception hall. So I told God, I don’t only want to show myself to the world as just a designer but a Christian designer and I wanted that to reflect in every part of my show. So coming up with a playlist of hype music for models to walk to was very difficult. Then God reminded me that he has given me a music genius for a boyfriend so why not have him create some beats from garage band and that’s exactly what we did. We also began the entire show with a prayer, which felt so great to do! At the end of the show, my uncle said to me “wow Jennifer, I never knew you would be bold enough to do something like this” and he was absolutely right! I shocked my own self at how bold I had become knowing very well how much of a “chicken” I was. But in Christ alone do I find my boldness and strength. One lady came up to me and expressed how amazed and happy she was that I did not compromise my identity as a Christian and how much she loved that we began with a prayer. I found so much joy and encouragement in what she told me and I was so thankful to God for the outcome of my fashion show.

Also, with this little that God gave me, I believe I have been faithful and “who ever is faithful with little will also be faithful with much…” [Luke 16:10] and so I believe God was actually preparing me for the greater works He has in store for me. What the Lord originates, He orchestrates so do not worry about the how and do not think about the resources you think you don’t have because God has already given us everything we need to do what He needs us to do at a particular time. If you feel God is asking you to do something or tugging at your heart to initiate something, just exercise obedience for He will show you how to get there. Stay blessed and encouraged!

Here’s a link to view pictures of my fashion show:

Jennifer Darlington

* I own an accessories shop online. Visit and shop.

IG: @jdarlingcreations

* My personal IG & Twitter: @jay_lington

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