Sunday, September 28, 2014

Where Feet May Fail

“You call me out upon the waters, the great unknown where feet may fail. And there I find you in the mystery in oceans deep, my faith will stand”


This is the beginning to Oceans a song by Hillsong, which speaks so much depth. As Christians, we’ve been called to live a life that will have us in oceans deep where our feet alone will completely fail. But we have another pair of feet that will never ever fail us. FAITH! We can stand and walk on the ocean with faith. Matthew 14:25-33 tells the story of Jesus beckoning Peter to come out towards him on the water. As Peter stepped on the ocean and had his eyes fixed on Jesus, he walked without sinking. As soon as he looked and saw how the water was rushing around him and realized he was actually walking on water, he began to sink. Whenever we have our focus locked on Christ, our worries and troubles of this life will not subdue us. The water will be turbulent but we will still be walking. Our focus on Jesus exercises our faith because we choose to believe in the unseen Jesus rather than the trouble we are dealing with. The moment we focus on our circumstances, we begin to panic and that leads to sinking. Then we try to fix things on our own which ends up draining us, making our feet wobbly and depleting our faith.

The latter part of the song says “Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders, let me walk upon the waters wherever you would call me. Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander and my faith will be made stronger in the presence of my savior”

As you continue to keep your eyes on Christ, your faith is being made stronger and you move towards the deeper parts of the ocean without realizing it. So next time when God calls you over in 2000ft deep, you will just go because your trust in Him has no boundaries! I understand the difficulty in trusting God when there are no signs of victory around. I understand because I’m the queen of worrying…or I used to be. But I also know that I ought to cast all my cares on Him because He cares [1 peter 5:7] and that worrying is not going to be of any benefit to me [Matthew 6:25-32] so really, my only option is to focus on Christ and that’s what iChoose! And to be honest, you realize how light and peaceful that feels. It doesn’t mean you pretend your troubles aren’t there, you just choose to focus your attention wisely. So I encourage you all today to stand and walk with your second pair of feet and see what the Lord accomplishes in your life. You will be blown away. That’s the kind of God He is. The mind-blowing God! Stay blessed!

Jennifer Darlington

* I own an accessories shop online. Visit and shop.
IG: @jdarlingcreations
Twitter: @J_D_Creations

* My personal IG & Twitter: @jay_lington

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