Sunday, September 21, 2014

Outside Of Outside The Box

We all know very well the scripture in which Paul refers to God as “the God who is able to do exceedingly and abundantly more than we can ever ask or imagine” Ephesians 3:20. But do we really see God that way and if we do, does our faith see him that way also? I’m the type of person who likes to think way ahead of myself. Whenever I pray to God in regards to something, I always think about how God is going to answer; “OMG He’s gonna do this and make this that way and this way. It’s going to be super cool” but then God is like “What? You think this shabby way is cool? Come on Jennifer, that’s so lame”. So while I’m here thinking my way of expecting God to come through for me is genius, He’s like nah child your mind can never fathom my ways. We often hear people telling us to think outside the box when we’re doing something or going into a new venture. Well for my God, He thinks outside of outside the box. 

While I was pondering over this, God took me to 1 kings 18:20-40. The Israelites had an interesting relationship with God. One minute they’re in love with Him, the next minute they’re lifting up the name of an idol. So Elijah, Gods prophet at the time came up to king Ahab and was basically like you Israelites have been at this for too long so lets settle it now. Your prophets should set up an altar and offer a burnt offering to your god Baal and let your god be the one to set the fire on the altar. And I will do the same and call on Yaweh who answereth by fire, then we will know who the real God is. 
I would like to point out a few things here:

1.     There were 450 prophets of Baal but there was only 1 prophet of God, Elijah.

2.     The prophets of Baal called upon him from morning till evening, hobbling around, dancing, slashing and cutting themselves to bleeding point and yet, no answer. Elijah literally took less than a minute and God responded.

Now the whole purpose of this “competition” was for their gods to send fire down and burn the offering. Just that! Baal flaked! BUT OUR GOD didn’t only show up, He SHOWED OUT! He burned the offering, burned the wood (which was completely wet by the way. We all know wet wood will never light up), he dried up all the water in the trench, burned the stones and burned the soil also! Immediately, the Israelites declared that God is indeed Yaweh. 

So if you are expecting God to do something in your life, please take the limitations off Him. I’ve learned to let God be Him and not try to limit Him with my thinking. He’s blown my mind so many times that I know better now. Its my prayer and desire that whoever reads this will learn to trust and believe that God will show out in their lives. Never give up praying and never give up hope in Him because He’s working something for you. God bless you and remember, He loves you so so much!

Jennifer Darlington

* I own an accessories shop online. Visit and shop.

IG: @jdarlingcreations

* My personal IG & Twitter: @jay_lington

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